These characters are often played for laughs, usually only for a single episode as a Running Gag, but they can also be full-fledged recurring cast members as well. If the character is revealed, against all odds, to be one hundred percent straight, then a male of this type is typically referred to as metrosexual. Often the victim of numerous instances of The Un-Reveal. Characters such as this are usually played entirely for laughs, with 'hints' regarding their sexuality being portrayed as jokes in and of themselves. Yes, the character is Ambiguously Gay - they display many stereotypes associated with gays, but the 'g' and 'l' words are avoided entirely. Conversely, a female character will have a deep voice and an aggressive manner, dress in 'unfeminine' clothes and play rough sports.īut nobody will ever come out and discuss the character's sexuality. He may even profess a great knowledge of modern dance. He may be unusually fastidious in dress and grooming.
If the character is male, he may lisp more than someone missing two front teeth, have a limp wrist and an interest in fashion and musicals. They may live in a single-bedroom apartment with one of their 'roommates'. A character may have no apparent interest in the opposite sex.